Operational manual
Application Form for Grade
公告欄 Bulletin:
Final grades for all courses for the spring semester of the 2024 academic year shall be submitted during the designated period from June 17 to July 7, 2024.
二、教師登錄成績經檢核無誤,確認送出驗證碼後,系統顯示已確認之成績已送至註冊組, 則無須列印成績記載表(紙本)簽名,送註冊組存查。
Faculty members are required to enter and upload grades for their courses on this system. Upon verification code is verified, and show the message" the grade is submitted to the Registrar's Division" the grade is already sent to the Registrar's Division. There's NO NEED to print out the grade reports, sign and submit the hard copy to the Registrar's Office.
Those who cannot submit grades as scheduled due to any course modification shall submit an application for delayed submission to the Registrar's Division before the final exam week. This application shall be approved by the chair of the department, the dean of the college, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
For any problems regarding password or resetting your password, please contact the Cheng-Kung Portal. If necessary, you are allowed to log into the Cheng Kung Portal to change your password. You may refer to the Operational Manual to enter and upload grades on the system.
If you fail to log in with a password short of eight digits or different from your password for Cheng Kung Portal, please use the default 8-digit password: the last four digits of national ID card number + the four digits of birthday (mmdd). Should you fail to log in again, please contact the Cheng-Kung Portal.

Employee ID number OR
National ID number :

密碼 Password:

數字驗證碼 CAPTCHA:

Password Forgotten

如有任何問題,請連絡教務處註冊組 (06)2757575#50120

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